Lake Hillier is a lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia.
The most shocking feature of this lake is it's pink color and the scientists speculate that the color comes from a dye created by bacteria that lives in the salt crusts.
The color is permanent and does not clean even if you take it in bottle.
Despite the unusual hue, the lake exhibits no known adverse effects upon humans. From above the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink, but from the shoreline it looks more like a clear pink hue is in the water. The shoreline is also covered in salt crust deposits. Source by Wikipedia
The length of the lake is about six hundred metres (3/8 mile). The lake is surrounded by a rim of sand and a dense woodland of paperbark and eucalyptus trees with a narrow strip of sand dunes covered by vegetation separating it to the north from the Southern Ocean.
In the mid-twentieth century, scientists have studied the composition of water in the lake wanting to find out what causes the lake takes on the color pink. At first it was thought that the color of algae that produce such Dunaliella Salinas, which produce a red dye, but their conjecture is not confirmed. In the early years of the twentieth century was mined salt from the lake, but after 6 years of mining operation was abandoned.
Despite of having unusual color Lake Hillier proves to be a safe extra ordinary site for international tourists. In spite of the fact that no swimmers have faced any adverse effects of the saline water of this beautiful lake, it is not open for the public. They can see such a fantastic natural beauty riding a chopper. Its shores are covered with salt deposits making crusts. A kind of halophytic bacterium found in the salt crusts, is thought to be responsible for this unique water color of Lake Hillier. There is no chance of any harm for humans but no access is being provided to this tourists’ first choice.
This pink lake attracts everybody as a wonderful natural beauty that is nowhere possibly be seen in the world but there is no evidence, if a tourist can visit that paradise point? It seems to be an abandoned enchanting island that’s normally associated with any unique and fantastic fairy tale. Aussie love swimming and would even swim in lava if not legally stopped. How can this beauty spot be used? Will it be justifiable to use this water for curing nausea and diarrhea? Tourists are intrigued by the magnificent Lake Hillier. All the people admire it from the one who discovered and who see it now, a queer lake with strange color. Who wouldn't like to see and admire the nature’s enigmatic creation, Lake Hillier?
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